Identifying and eliminating risks in your company. Why is it important?

Nowadays, the business environment is becoming more transparent and more and more importance is attached to the reputation of the merchant and the honesty, ethicality, compliance with the principles of good practice and requirements of applicable law.

What’s the benefit?

The purpose of the compliance program is to ensure that the conduct of company managers and employees does not pose a risk of violation of rights and does not harm the company or other natural or legal persons.

The company pursues a targeted strategy that focuses on the behavior of the company and its employees, which complies with the laws, ethics and business practice principles, not only protects the company from the negative consequences of violations, but also ensures a positive reputation and credibility of the company. In addition, as a result of these targeted actions, employee satisfaction increases, loyalty and even a sense of pride in the company are promoted because everyone wants to work in a workplace that is organized, safe and socially responsible.

How does the compliance program work?

Compliance guidelines in easy-to-understand language for company employees explain applicable regulatory enactments and requirements, provide advice on avoiding violations, and provide a set of rules that significantly reduce the chance of violation.

In order for the Compliance Guidelines to identify the risk factors in their daily lives and to find the right action model, every employee of the company should become familiar with the content of the Compliance Guidelines, both as regards the applicable legal framework and the expected actions of the employee in such a situation.

Compliance guidelines are a complement to the company’s agenda rules and are binding on every employee. Violation of the rules of compliance guidelines may lead to the prosecution of a person through disciplinary action, including termination of employment, as well as civil liability: the obligation to indemnify for damage and to compensate for damage to the reputation of the company. In some cases, violation of the terms of the Compliance Guidelines may be the basis for prosecution or criminal liability.

The company manager will be able to make sure that every employee in the company has passed the test and the test results confirm that the employee is familiar with the content of the Compliance Guidelines, correctly understands the rules set out therein, and is able to choose the actions to follow.

The Compliance Guidelines consist of several mutually compatible modules in different fields:

  • Information Circulation and Security Guidelines, which include regulations on internal and external communications, protection of confidential information, and secure use of media;
  • A Code of Good Practice for Commercial Practices, which sets out a set of rules for dealing with advertising and other commercial communications as well as consumer claims;
  • Bribery Prevention Guidelines that provide for the acceptance and offering of gifts and other benefits to both officials and employees of existing and potential partners;
  • Competition Compliance Guidelines, which include a comprehensive explanation of competition law issues and risk of violations, as well as regulation of employee behavior in this regard;
  • Guidance on the conduct of inspections, including a framework for the handling of staff during visits by competent authorities.

Which components does the Compliance Program consist of?

Compliance Guidelines

They summarize the essential rules that everyone must follow for internal and external communications, as well as the system of risk factors and identifying the right action model. These guidelines are complementary to the company’s Agenda Rules and are binding on every employee and member of the governing body;

An interactive training and testing tool

An online and executable test that will allow every employee in the company to test themselves to make sure they have understood the rules set out in the Compliance Guidelines correctly and will be able to choose their actions.

Costs of implementing the compliance program

The cost of implementing a compliance program at your company will not exceed EUR 2,000. It is a wise investment in your peace of mind and the future of your business, not only against potential damage to your company’s reputation, but also financially, as the penalty for administrative violations is up to 14’000 EUR for legal entities, and up to 10% for antitrust violations turnover, not to mention loss and moral damages in litigation cases.

List of Modules

The compliance program can be implemented both in general and by selecting individual modules whose regulated areas are relevant to the business activities of your company.

Compliance guidelines and each of their modules are individually universal and suitable for deployment in any company. They are designed to provide comprehensive regulation that does not require major structural changes. You will only need to enter information that identifies your company and appoint an employee who will be responsible for the area.

Along with any Compliance Guideline module, you will also receive an appropriate training and self-test that will be available to all employees of your company.

Information flow and security guidelines

Includes regulation of internal and external communications, protection of confidential information and secure use of media.

Fair Business Practice Guidelines

Provides a set of rules for dealing with advertising and other commercial communications as well as consumer claims.

Guidelines for conducting inspections

Includes a framework for employee action during the visit of competent authorities.

Competition Compliance Guidelines

Provides a framework for accepting and offering gifts and other benefits to both officials and employees of existing and potential partners.

Bribe Prevention Guidelines

Provides a set of rules for dealing with advertising and other commercial communications as well as consumer claims.


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